Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Next Discussion: CSWA

We will start our next topic, the CSWA, in a couple of weeks.

I'm going to take some time off in order to attend an event in Boston to see what SOLIDWORKS 2016 is going to look like.

I'll be tweeting and blogging on the new version of our favorite software from the certification point of view.

If you have any questions, post them here or hit me up at my twitter account SWCertGuy.




  1. Could you if the opportunity arises, ask about the 2016 version of Solidworks. As, in years past documentation about how to acquire and price/ availability are lacking at best.

  2. I spoke to a couple of people, none directly dealt with sales, but they said to contact your VAR for pricing/availability. You can follow SOLIDWORKS on twitter and the forums and get notice of beta testing and release dates.
